I don't know your time frame or money situation. But, I'm not a fan of Texas. Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona,up into Utah, Nevada, CA. Redwood Hwy, Oregon Hwy 101, Curry County along the coast. Idaho, Mt. Yellowstone, Black Hills You won't go back to Mi. Sit down with a good road atlas, the internet and look up the states, Parks, counties, and places interest given by the Atlas.
Places I like, Crater Lake in CA. not Oregon, Steens Mt. Oregon, Hiawatha(sp) rail trail in Id, Avenue of the Giants, Ca. Yellowstone, Grand canyon, Oregon Coast, Hells Canyon, Tattered cover book store in Denver, Powell's bookstore in Portland, Any art museum Tillamock Air Museum in Tillamock, Or. The bike trail along I 70 in Colorado. Also around Vail if you can bike at 10,000ft.