Maine is a rural state known for its natural beauty and unencumbered way of life. Mainers pride themselves on self reliance and have a general distrust of anything "fancy". Northern Maine has vast expanses of forest with hundreds of lakes, mountains, and rivers. Agriculture is the primary industry of northern and central Maine and potatoes are the most widely grown crop, so there are some vast fields to be found. Southern Maine is known for its rocky coast and attracts thousands of tourists and seasonal residents every year. Most people live in southern Maine. Tourism is Maine's largest industry. Lobster and blueberries are famous treats from Maine.
Some people would say Maine is old fashioned. Maine has the oldest population of any state, and it's rumored to be the least diverse. Most residents are Caucasian. Like other rural states, Maine lags a little behind when it comes to trends, pop culture, and certain innovations. Many residents in Maine still have no access to high speed internet, which some believe is stifling economic development. Maine's economy is sluggish, relying heavily on seasonal industries like tourism and agriculture. Much of Maine clings to traditional family values. Northern Maine is politically conservative while southern Maine tends to be more liberal. Maine is popular with artists, organic farmers, outdoorsmen, and people who want to be left alone.
It can me very cold in Maine during the winter months. Temperatures fall below freezing for weeks or even months at a time and snow can fall as early as October and as late as April. Summer in Maine is the payoff for enduring the long winter. Temperatures generally stay in the 70's and 80's, although they can dip into the 60's and occasionally soar into the 90's or even reach 100 degrees on occasion.
Maine is considered "north eastern" and is the eastern-most state in the US.
There are several accents in Maine. A typical Maine accent is a thick, slurred type of English with many slang phrases. The most famous is "Ay-ah" or "Ay-uh", a conjunction of "ah, yes" or "ah, yup". If you come to Maine, you will hear it. Northern Maine also has a large French-speaking population with a Canadian heritage. English speaking people in northern Maine often have an accent that sounds Canadian. You will also hear accents from New York and Massachusetts, as many seasonal residents visit Maine from those states in the summer.
There is a lot of open country in Maine, mostly cleared for farming. The majority though, is forest. Cities in Maine are small. The largest is Portland with about 64,000 residents. Maine is by no means urbanized.
I've never been to Cutler. From what I've heard it's a pretty small town. It's in the part of Maine known as "down east". Fishing is the largest industry in that area. Most fisherman are self-employed. Cutler is in Washington county, the least populace county in Maine.
I hope you get a chance to come to Maine someday. It's a beautiful state but it can be difficult to find work. Couple that with the long winter and many people suffer from seasonal depression. Maine is a great place to visit and a great place to retire but doesn't have much to offer for young people unless you are looking for a natural lifestyle or love the outdoors. The best area to visit is southern Maine in the Portland area, Old Orchard Beach, or Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Isle. Portland Head Lighthouse is probably the most photographed spot in Maine. You'll see pictures of it everywhere in Maine. Go anyway. It's strikingly beautiful and the quintessential image of the Maine coast. Also, try to make it to one of the country fairs that take place in the fall.